When doing hamstring stretches, patients should avoid bouncing, which can trigger a muscle spasm.
Hamstring Stretches While Lying on the Back
In addition to sciatica exercises, most patients with back pain will benefit from hamstring stretching exercises done while lying on the back. These are the least stressful types of hamstring stretches done for sciatica pain relief:
· Lie on the back, supporting the thigh behind the knee with the hand or with a towel, slowly straighten the knee until a stretch is felt in the back of the thigh, trying to get the bottom of the foot to face the ceiling, one leg at a time (Figure 23). Hold the position initially for 10 seconds, and gradually work up to 20-30 seconds.
· Lie back on the floor with the buttocks against a wall at a corner or by a door jamb. Keeping one leg on the floor, place the foot of the alternate leg against the wall and try to gently push the knee straight so the raised leg and the leg on the floor make a 90 degree angle. Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds.
Hamstring Stretches While Sitting
Although they are less gentle than lying on the back, hamstring stretches can also be done in a sitting position, where the degree of stretch can be varied based on the placement of the leg:
- While sitting at the edge of a chair, straighten one leg in front of the body with the heel on the floor. Then, sit up straight and try pushing the navel towards the thigh without leaning the trunk of the body forwards. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat 3 times for each leg.
- Many people – and especially women – tend to be more flexible and may need to elevate the foot on a stool or chair to get a deep enough stretch.
Hamstring Stretches: Getting Comfortable
The hamstring stretches done while lying on the back are gentler and place less stress on the back than those done while sitting.
Depending on the patient’s specific medical condition and level of pain, the lying down position may be preferable and comfortable. In particular, patients with low back pain should choose whichever position is most tolerable for their back while still giving a gentle stretch.
Hamstring and Sciatica Exercises: Working with a Medical Professional
Before doing sciatica exercises or beginning any other exercise program, patients should see a health professional to get a correct diagnosis for their pain and to rule out any more serious problems.
The proper sciatica exercises differ based on the condition that is causing the sciatic pain, so patients should not try to self-treat their sciatica before consulting a professional.Practical point Stretching the piriformis muscle a few times a day, especially when combined with hamstring stretches, will prevent tightening of the lower back and relieve tension from hip to foot.
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